Monday, January 14, 2008

New DCMI specifications

I'm proud to announce an updated set of Dublin Core specifications, some of which I've made substantial contributions to: First, "New DCMI Recommendation on Expressing Dublin Core Metadata using RDF", that I've contributed heavily to (though Andy Powell did start the process!). The other set: "Major update of DCMI Metadata Terms documentation", that I've mostly contributed documentation and schema comments and validation. The third: "The Singapore Framework for Dublin Core Application Profiles", which is a first stab at defining the notion of Application Profile a little more explicitly. Today is a good day.


angelinjones said...

The first document is an update of the well-known DC terms that we all use. This updated “DCMI Metadata Terms” defines the ranges and domains of most of the terms and puts all these terms into the same namespace . The old namespace remains untouched, ie, no documents using those become “invalid” in any sense, but it is probably better to start using the /terms/ namespace: it gives a better semantic inference possibility.
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