Saturday, October 20, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

Time for interoperability!

Two important meetings announced (that's important for me ...) First: Dublin Core Architecture teleconference on October 26 This is going to be heavy on RDF/HTML/XML stuff for Dublin Core Then: Joint IEEE LTSC/DCMI Task Force teleconference on October 31. If you're interested in LOM-DC interoperability, this is where it happens.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

PRESSMEDDELANDE: IT-utredning stänger öppna standarder

Säg nej till standarder som inte går att använda utan att betala "tull". Från ffii: PRESSMEDDELANDE: IT-utredning stänger öppna standarder

Friday, October 05, 2007

Boycotting MS Office documents

I've officially started my Microsoft office document format boycott. Why? Because of two things: 1. the unavailability of open documentation of the old document formats (.doc, .ppt, etc) 2. the behavior of Microsoft in the ISO process, in particular in Sweden, but elsewhere too, when voting on OOXML, the new, so-called "open" document formats for MS Office. Being engaged myself in standardization processes, I know how this hurts the standardization community. So, I'm not accepting files in Word or Powerpoint format, and I'm only sending ODF and PDF. What about everybody else? Well, either use an office application that supports the ISO standard for office documents, such as, or use the following plugin for MS Office:

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

OpenDisc - open source for windows

The OpenDisc OpenDisc is a free (open source and gratis) CD image that contains a lot of software that I use when I'm windows (from time to time). A great, cheap, gift to friends and family, and a possible first step to Linux.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

"A short update on Metadata specs"

Phil Barker of CETIS has just posted A short update on Metadata specs Sadly lacking from the summary is any mention of ISO MLR. Not that Phil is to blame - the MLR work is proceeding at quite a distance from the community. It's encouraging to note that KMR is involved in several of the mentioned items - LOM-DC, Harmony and the DCMI Abstract Model... There's more out there that we're involved in - the Description Set Profile work, including the wiki syntax, and the DC-in-RDF expressions come to mind as important.